Join with over 2 million shoppers that have made the switch to do just that.

Do you know where your money goes?

Research shows that 63% of the price of a product sold at the big box stores and grocery stores is spent on things that add no value to the product like advertising and distribution.

We want to show you how to shop with a US manufacturing company that instead puts that 63% into things like sourcing healthier – safe ingredients and clinically testing every superior product while keeping them cost effective. Customers conveniently shop online and have their products shipped quickly to their door step, saving them time and money!

Consumable Goods and
the Illusion of Choice

The consumer goods industry of everyday items found in the center aisles of your grocery store is highly competitive. Multi-billion companies like Johnson & Johnson, Colgate-Palmolive, Procter and Gamble and Unilever control it. Most of these products come from overseas, not manufactured in the United States.

Over the years, many smaller start-ups like Burt’s Bees, 7th Generation, Method, and Tom’s of Maine have tried to give consumers a healthier choice, but in the end, they have all sold out to “the big guys”. Unfortunately, these mega companies have proven time and again that they do not care about quality or safety of their ingredients. Their shareholders require them to think only of their bottom line profits and not the well being of our families. 

Don’t Be Discouraged
There is a Solution!

Allow us to share with you an American manufacturer that is a privately held, family-owned company that started in 1985 and today is thriving even amongst tough competition. Year after year, this store continues to grow and stand out as an exceptional leader in the health and wellness industry.

When you learn about this company and their 400+ high quality, environmentally friendly, reasonable-priced products for the home and body you may wonder why you have never heard of them because this is no small start-up. Over 2 million loyal customers shop month-after-month for their households.

This online store provides its customers with a simple way to switch what they are already purchasing to a better brand and, at the same time, makes it easy to support a company whose mission has always been to manufacture in America and support the US worker.

It is Simple To Make A Change

When we are willing to think outside the box (in this case, the BIG box), we can make a HUGE difference. The good news is that switching stores will not increase your budget. It is the same money you are already spending monthly… the difference is WHERE you choose to spend your hard earned dollars! Making the switch means supporting a homegrown, US manufacturer you can trust. These Products are proven by science, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You are not risking a thing, but, what a difference this one decision can make for you, your family and our country!

Join Our Movement by Simply Switching Stores!

Made in the USA
Family-owned Manufacturer
Comparable Prices
Non-toxic Products
Supports American Jobs and Families
No Mainstream Advertising

Let us show you how simple it is to shop for US made products!

Join with over 2 million shoppers that have made the switch to do just that.
Start supporting companies that support freedom! We can show you how.

Find Out More 

Enter your contact details below and we will contact you with how you can switch stores and save money.

Referred by: Work At Home United Team
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